Do Not Sell

Thank you for visiting us!

IMPORTANT: Please note that this form only addresses the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) requirements which allows California residents to place restrictions on the disclosure and use of their personal information.

If you are not a California resident, or would simply like to Opt-Out from all mailings and/or emails for any of our brands, or if you have any other Customer Service inquiries, please send an email to our [email protected] email address which is also found in our Privacy Notice.

How to make a request that we no longer share your information:
Step One: Please read the information below prior to completing our Form
Step Two: Complete the Form below and Submit your Request
Step Three: Receive our Verification of your Request

NOTE: You do not have to be a “Registered User” (have an Account) to make this request. In order to process your request, please provide as much information as possible in the form below.  The information you provide will only be used to process your request.

Additionally, please be aware that your request is tied to the device you are using now; if you use multiple devices, you will need to complete a form from each device.  Unfortunately, we can’t match your device(s) to your customer record.

Please add any other information you would like to share that may assist us with locating your records (max 500 Characters)


(1) Accuracy: the information I have provided is true and accurate; (2) This Site's role: that I understand the service is provided by this site on behalf of, Inc. and that once this site provides my request to, Inc., this site will not retain a record of my request; (3) Privacy: that I understand the information will be handled by this site in accordance with its Privacy Notice and by, Inc. in accordance with its Privacy Notice; (4) Contact: that, Inc. has the right to contact me to verify my identity and to process this request.

After we’ve received your verified request, we will respond to you within 45 days from receipt of the request.  We may contact you for additional information if we cannot locate your record and/or for any other reason we cannot accommodate your request.